
Showing posts from August, 2022

Born on St Patrick's Day: Happy 115th Mary

They say that its good luck to be Irish, and that the luckiest of all are those who are born on St Patrick's Day. No doubt this is what was said the day that my great grandmother was born. However, her life was not necessarily filled with the good luck that the superstition had predicted. As much as she had a hard life, her life was also an "ordinary" one of a young British immigrant to Canada. Despite that, the simple life she led in youth was filled with fun. She embrace the changing times, new found freedoms, and innovations. Its the heirlooms from that chapter of her life that fascinate me the most because they show aside to her that none of my relatives knew - a woman who was happy. So today, I am going to share the side of her that one of those heirlooms tells. I have a small black autograph book that was hers.  At almost 100 years old, the book binding has all but disintegrated yet the leather cover is in near pristine condition and the partially bound pages are al

Finding Distant Relatives Using Forums

I have always wanted to connect with a distant relative. Deep down I have always hoped that one branch of the family tree may have done a better job of keeping the oral history alive than mine did. As I discussed on here several times before, the topic of family history was more or less off limits on my mothers side of the family. Even from a young age I understood that I was not to ask my Gram about her father (who died in a tragic car accident when she was about 13). The accident changed the entire trajectory of her life and left behind a grief that I dont think she ever fully recovered from. She only spoke to me one time about her father's side of the family and even that was on a high level. She told me the names of her aunts and uncles and that she had one childless aunt who cared for her grandparents. My gram used to go over and cherish how her aunt doted on her. By all accounts this aunt was the one who taught her how to be a good mother. She described her grandparents as &q

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